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i am 32 weeks pregnant. 8 weeks to go. maybe less. i am trying to convince my doctor to take him 2 weeks early in order to have him on my mom’s birthday. he said he has no problem taking a baby at 38 weeks (i would be 38 and 3 days), but he needs to clear it with the hospital first. fingers crossed. parker was born on my mother-in-law’s birthday so we thought it would be it would be great if this one could come on my mom’s birthday.

and if you didn’t notice fellow st. louisian’s – it’s hot. really hot. the 100+ temps have puffed me up like a – well – a puffer fish. i am really uncomfortable these days. in fact, i slept on the couch last night because i was afraid the tossing and turning would keep my husband awake. i feel like i have swallowed a 25lb bowling ball that has sunk to the lowest part of my abdomen. this child also kicks (hard, very hard) non-stop. which, yes, is an amazing and wonderful thing, BUT there also comes a point when mama needs a breather. they say that at this point in my pregnancy the baby has established a sleeping pattern. wrong. this kid never sleeps. i swear. i am praying to baby jesus this is not an indication of what’s to come.

all in all it’s almost over. and while i am excited to meet him i am also sad that the kicking, the hiccups, the rolling, the tossing and turning will all be gone. i am also a tad bit sad that parker will no longer be my “baby”. while i cannot wait to begin this journey i am also sad that a chapter is closing on our little family of three. i am also not prepared to start all over again. yes, we have all the baby gear in the world already, but what i mean is the fact that we will begin rasing another tiny human being who wakes up every two hours all over again. is it sad that i already want him to be two? but like parker, it will all go by in the blink of an eye so i retract that last statement.

i cannot wait to meet the little man who i know is going to weigh at least 10lbs. 8 weeks and counting. pray for me.

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