You are currently browsing the monthly archive for March 2012.

last weekend carter found jesus. and by found jesus, i mean he was baptized. in the church doug grew up in. in the church doug and i were married in. in the church parker was baptized in. all by the same man. msgr. bommarito. carter even wore (albeit a tad snug) doug’s baptismal gown that parker too wore. we could not have asked for a nicer day. sunshine. family. fried chicken. cake. it’s how we catholic’s roll.

a huge thanks to mom and dad r., god mommy (“aunt” mary mo) and god daddy (cousin danny), friends and family. carter is so loved and we could not ask for anything more.

see more here. enjoy.

on wednesday my boys woke up in outstanding moods. with the weatherman predicting a gorgeous day (in the 80’s) i decided that we would be spending the day outside. so i loaded the stroller, the 4-wheeler, 2 children, a diaper bag, snacks, and more. off we went. less than one mile from the house and “POP!”. there goes my tire. 3 hours later we were on our way to the trail to enjoy the rest of this beautiful day.

by the way – before you make fun of parker for his four-wheeler please keep in mind that he owns a (much) bigger one but would (much) rather ride this sad little thing. it took us about an hour to go about a quarter of a mile. but it was still enjoyable and i wouldn’t have had it any other way.

parker is obsessed. so today while i ran a few errands of course i had to get him a shirt. he begged for me to put it on him in the store, but i decided it might be better to wait until we got home.

it’s been a little while since i’ve updated this blog with family photos. well. by family i mean the kids. and by the kids i mean BOTH kids TOGETHER. that never happens. never. i guess i caught parker in a good mood because he was all smiles and proudly yelling cheese with each click of the camera.

see more here. enjoy.

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