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held an impromptu session with my family over the weekend. sunny and 80 in november doesn’t happen everyday. neither does family pictures. so we took advantage of it.

see the post {HERE} and enjoy.

parker just wrapped up his first season of soccer. and he loved it. i mean loved. the kids is a natural, too if i do say so myself. he should be. after all, we do have a goalies net in our living room. oh the things we do for our kids. anyway, yesterday was his sports banquet. a little lunch and awards. parker received his very own medal. now. he wanted a trophy, but after some serious convincing that “medals are way cooler” he finally came to grips with it. and now. now he’s very proud. and so am i. and yes, i cried.

you’d never know this kid has croup. nor that he’s doped up on steroids. i love him.

what a beautiful day. warm. sunny. clear skies. happy kids. what more could you ask for? then throw in a family outing to a little place called rombach farms for pumpkin picking. i adore this little farm. it’s small. quaint. just perfect. so doug and i took our knuckleheads to pick pumpkins. it’s an annual tradition. this year we picked four. and just wait till you see pictures after we carve them. they are going to. be. good.

a perfect day with my little family of four. i would have spent it no other way.

a beautiful woman named jen burgess passed away today. she was a loving mother, amazing photographer, and a beautiful soul. she inspired so many. and it is her story and many others like it that inspires me to get in the picture.

read her story here.

grab the kleenex and watch this video.

now, get in the picture.

in the picture.

in the picture.

oh. and happy half birthday, parker. we love you and have no idea where time is going.

in the picture.

as most of you know, i’m a photographer. so i’m behind a lens. a lot. i am also fortunate enough to work from home. which means i am also a stay-at-home mommy. and as you can imagine, running a business and running around after a 3 and 1 year old can be exhausting. actually. exhausting would be an understatement. where i am going with this is that a dear friend sent me this article. and it made me think. and even cry a little. while i know that’s not what my friend intended, it did indeed make me think about how i’m never, ever, or rarely in any pictures with my family. especially my kids. and that makes me sad.

so, where am i you ask?

for starters, i’m a photographer. you got that part though, right? and sometimes the last thing i honestly want to do is pick up a camera when i’m not working. don’t get me wrong, i love my job. i mean, loooooove. but when you hop from session to session and spend any down time you can muster up to do things like editing, emailing, blogging, tagging, writing thank you note’s, returning phone calls, so on and so on the thought of even pulling my canon from it’s bag is the last thing i want to do.

the biggest problem i have with me being in any photos is just that. me. i hate pictures of myself. they only remind me that i hate my hair color. i could afford to lose a few pounds. my skin is pasty and flaky. i don’t wear much make-up. i always have my hair in a messy, knotty, ponytail  because having the time to blow-dry or even fix my hair is few and far between. i am normally wearing the same sweats, sneakers and black pull-over that i always do. i always feel like i am a hot sloppy mess whose body has been “transformed”  by two beautiful pregnancies and that getting older is indeed hard. things sag. wrinkles are forming. my once long and beautiful hair is brittle and falling out like crazy causing my shower drain to clog over and over and over. which reminds me, i need to grab drain-o tomorrow. there is no cream, serum, or potion that will rid me of under eye circles. my legs haven’t been shaved in a week. the last thing i (ever) feel is sexy. even despite what my husband says. and if you could smell pictures, you’d know that i might have forgotten to shower and brush my teeth today because sleeping till 7:00am was way more appealing quite honestly. it’s hard to admit body issues. but i, like many (all) women, have them. a lot of them. and like many (all) women, the way i see myself is not the way others do. why in god’s name is that?

so that, that is why you hardly see me in front of the camera.

but today that is going to change. because after reading this article i realized that i’m not going to be around forever and my boys need to remember their mommy. the mommy that i am today. the mommy that stays home and plays with them all day. the mommy who decorated the house for halloween with blinking lights and candy jars everywhere. the mommy who will always have holiday traditions until they have babies of their own. the mommy who sleeps with them when they are sick. the mommy that takes them to the zoo on a whim. the mommy that loves and adores every single thing about them. the mommy who lives each and every single day with them and for them. the mommy of right now. i want them to remember me. all of me. because my babies don’t care about wrinkles and stained yoga pants. they don’t care about wrinkled t-shirts or chipped fingernail polish. they especially don’t care about the hole in my sock or that i forgot to apply mascara. they care about snuggling in bed and sharing cookies. they care about singing at the top of our lungs to our favorite jake owen song. they care about things like octopus shaped balloons, or our impromptu vacation at the great wolf lodge, or the time(s) we went to toys r us just because. what they care about is me. their beautiful mommy.

lastly, my favorite quote (along with the stellar article i shared above) has inspired me to practice what i preach –

“photography is a way of feeling, touching, of loving. what you have caught on film is captured forever. it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”

now go. make memories. get in the picture.

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